Be where you can be seen

Building on the phenomenal success of My Wedding Guide, My Celebrant Guide extends the reach of New Zealand celebrants by showcasing their many other celebrant services.

The key to successful advertising is for you to be seen by your target market and to differentiate yourself from your peers.

We can offer you a flexible advertising package to suit your budget. Most importantly we create advertising that incorporates your brand so that you look special.

My Celebrant Guide is the most comprehensive celebrant directory in New Zealand and is dedicated to helping connect people with the right celebrant for them.

There are three main levels of advertising for you to get exposure to your target market from a Basic Listing up to a Premium Listing. There is also an opportunity for you to be profiled on the site's home page. Please view the packages below for all the options and contact us here for details and pricing here.

Search-Results Page Features

Page PositionLowestLowMediumHighHighest
Page Sort OrderAlphabeticalAlphabeticalAlphabeticalAllocated ¹Exclusive 1st
Business Title Font SizeStandardStandardLargeLargerLargest
Teaser TextNoYesYesYesYes

Listing Features

Other vendor suggestionsYesNoNoNoNo
Full Contact Details ²YesYesYesYesYes
Your LogoNoNoYesYesYes
Social Media LinksNoNoYesYesYes
Additional business categories0246
Google Maps ButtonYesYesYesYesYes
24/7 Self ServiceYesYesYesYesYes
24/7 Live Stats InfoNoYesYesYesYes
Description Text Words01003001,0001,000
Do Follow BacklinkNoYesYesYesYes
Extra backlinks for your SEO0051010

Account Features

Email inquiry spam filterYesYesYesYesYes
Email inquiry forwarding priorityLowestLowMediumHighHighest
Email inquiry forwarding limit1/mo, 4/yrUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Spelling and grammar check & fixNoNoNoYesYes
Promotion to our social media audiences ⁴NoNoNoYesYes
Run giveaways via our Facebook pageNoExtra CostExtra CostNo ChargeNo Charge
Promote your business to our Facebook group ⁵NoNoNoYesYes
Matching listings in My Celebrant Guide ⁶NoNoNoYesYes
Access to Event ManagerNoNoNoYesYes
Wedding Market Leader Homepage exposureNoNoNoExtra Cost3mo Free
Sponsorship of articles as an industry expertNoNoNoExtra CostExtra Cost
"Best of..." article considerationNoNoNoYesYes
"Real Weddings" article considerationNoNoNoYesYes
Extra social media promotion consideration ⁷NoNoNoYesYes
Dedicated account managerNoNoNoYesYes
¹ Alphabetical for Premium, Allocated for Premium Plus
² address, phone, email, website (email cannot be scraped by bots, phone and website cannot easily be scraped by bots)
³ up to six additional relevant categories can be listed at Premium tier
⁴ the level of promotion varies with your overall spend
⁵ conditions apply
⁶ celebrants and MC's only
⁷ photographers only